COD: 1631 Categorie: ,

Germ-Savvy® Antibacterial HD865-P Heavy Duty 2-Hole Punch – Black

The HD865-P punch from Rapesco features an extended, single-piece handle for added leverage with integrated Germ-Savvy® antibacterial protection. Punching up to 63 sheets (70gsm), this 2-hole heavy-duty punch has all metal working parts and a handle lock-down switch for easy storage. Germ-Savvy® safeguards against bacteria for the product’s lifetime, making this punch well designed for schools, hospitals or shared use. Backed by a 15-year guarantee.

  • Neat flip-open confetti tray for easy emptying and handle lock-down switch for tidy storage
  • Extended single-piece handle for added leverage with built-in Germ-Savvy® antibacterial protection
  • Adjustable, calibrated all-metal paper guide for accurate and precise hole positioning
  • Personalisation window for your name or initial
  • For optimum performance at 50+ sheets of 80gsm paper, place the product on a flat, stable surface and apply pressure using both hands to ensure cutters penetrate fully

Perché scegliere Rapesco?


Siamo produttori di prodotti per ufficio dal design meticoloso che superano i limiti in termini di prestazioni, innovazione e longevità.


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ECO è molto più di un semplice aggiornamento del prodotto, sta diventando il nostro nuovo standard e siamo costantemente alla ricerca di nuovi modi per ridurre, riutilizzare e riciclare.


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